template<typename IntMat , typename RealVec > |
static long | LatticeTester::LLLConstruction0 (IntMat &gen, const double delta=0.9, long r=0, long c=0, RealVec *sqlen=0) |
| This static class offers methods (functions) to construct a basis from a set of generating vectors that are not necessarily independent, to construct a triangular basis, to construct the basis for a projection over a given subset of coordinates, and to obtain the \(m\)-dual of a given basis.
template<typename IntMat , typename Int , typename RealVec > |
static void | LatticeTester::LLLBasisConstruction (IntMat &gen, const Int &m, const double delta=0.9, long r=0, long c=0, RealVec *sqlen=0) |
| Similar to LLLConstruction0 , except that in case the set of generating vectors do not generate a full-dimensional lattice, it adds the vectors \(m e_i\) to the generating set, so it always returns a square matrix.
template<typename IntMat , typename Int > |
static void | LatticeTester::lowerTriangularBasis (IntMat &gen, IntMat &basis, const Int &m, long r=0, long c=0) |
| Takes a set of generating vectors in the matrix gen and iteratively transforms it into a lower triangular lattice basis into the matrix basis .
template<typename IntMat , typename Int > |
static void | LatticeTester::upperTriangularBasis (IntMat &gen, IntMat &basis, const Int &m, long r=0, long c=0) |
| Same as lowerTriangularBasis , except that the returned basis is upper triangular.
template<typename IntMat , typename Int > |
static void | LatticeTester::mDualUpperTriangular (const IntMat &basis, IntMat &basisDual, const Int &m, long dim=0) |
| Takes an upper triangular basis matrix basis and computes the m-dual basis basisDual .
template<typename IntMat , typename Int > |
static void | LatticeTester::mDualUpperTriangular96 (IntMat &basis, IntMat &basisDual, const Int &m, long dim=0) |
| This function does essentially the same thing as mDualUpperTriangular , but the algorithm is slightly different.
template<typename IntMat , typename Int > |
static void | LatticeTester::mDualBasis (const IntMat &basis, IntMat &basisDual, const Int &m) |
| This function assumes that basis contains a basis of the primal lattice scaled by the factor m , not necessarily triangular, and it returns in basisDual the m-dual basis.
template<typename IntMat > |
static void | LatticeTester::projectMatrix (const IntMat &in, IntMat &out, const Coordinates &proj, long r=0) |
| This function overwrites the first r rows of matrix 'out' by a matrix formed by the first r rows of the c columns of matrix in that are specified by proj , where ‘c = size(proj)’ is the cardinality of the projection proj .
template<typename IntMat , typename Int , typename RealVec > |
static void | LatticeTester::projectionConstructionLLL (const IntMat &inBasis, IntMat &projBasis, const Coordinates &proj, const Int &m, const double delta=0.9, long r=0, RealVec *sqlen=0) |
| Constructs a basis for the projection proj of the lattice with basis inBasis , using LLLBasisConstruction , and returns it in projBasis .
template<typename IntMat , typename Int > |
static void | LatticeTester::projectionConstructionUpperTri (const IntMat &inBasis, IntMat &projBasis, IntMat &genTemp, const Coordinates &proj, const Int &m, long r=0) |
| Same as projectionConstructionLLL , but the construction is made using upperTriangularBasis , so the returned basis is upper triangular.
template<typename IntMat , typename Int > |
static void | LatticeTester::projectionConstructionUpperTri (const IntMat &inBasis, IntMat &projBasis, const Coordinates &proj, const Int &m, long r=0) |
template<typename IntMat , typename Int > |
static void | LatticeTester::projectionConstruction (const IntMat &inBasis, IntMat &projBasis, const Coordinates &proj, const Int &m, const ProjConstructType projType=LLLPROJ, const double delta=0.9) |
| In this version, the construction method is passed as a parameter.
template<> |
long | LatticeTester::LLLConstruction0 (NTL::matrix< long > &gen, const double delta, long r, long c, NTL::vector< double > *sqlen) |
template<> |
long | LatticeTester::LLLConstruction0 (NTL::matrix< NTL::ZZ > &gen, const double delta, long r, long c, NTL::vector< double > *sqlen) |
template<> |
long | LatticeTester::LLLConstruction0 (NTL::matrix< NTL::ZZ > &gen, const double delta, long r, long c, NTL::vector< xdouble > *sqlen) |
template<> |
long | LatticeTester::LLLConstruction0 (NTL::matrix< NTL::ZZ > &gen, const double delta, long r, long c, NTL::vector< quad_float > *sqlen) |
template<> |
long | LatticeTester::LLLConstruction0 (NTL::matrix< NTL::ZZ > &gen, const double delta, long r, long c, NTL::vector< NTL::RR > *sqlen) |
template<typename IntMat , typename Int , typename RealVec > |
void | LatticeTester::LLLBasisConstruction (IntMat &gen, const Int &m, double delta, long r, long c, RealVec *sqlen) |
| Similar to LLLConstruction0 , except that in case the set of generating vectors do not generate a full-dimensional lattice, it adds the vectors \(m e_i\) to the generating set, so it always returns a square matrix.
template<typename IntMat , typename Int > |
void | LatticeTester::lowerTriangularBasis (IntMat &gen, IntMat &basis, const Int &m, long dim1, long dim2) |
| Takes a set of generating vectors in the matrix gen and iteratively transforms it into a lower triangular lattice basis into the matrix basis .
template<typename IntMat , typename Int > |
void | LatticeTester::upperTriangularBasis (IntMat &gen, IntMat &basis, const Int &m, long dim1, long dim2) |
| Same as lowerTriangularBasis , except that the returned basis is upper triangular.
template<typename IntMat , typename Int > |
void | LatticeTester::mDualUpperTriangular (const IntMat &A, IntMat &B, const Int &m, long dim) |
| For B to be m -dual to A , we have to have that \(AB^t = mI\).
template<typename IntMat , typename Int > |
void | LatticeTester::mDualUpperTriangular96 (IntMat &basis, IntMat &basisDual, const Int &m, long dim) |
| This function does essentially the same thing as mDualUpperTriangular , but the algorithm is slightly different.
template<> |
void | LatticeTester::mDualUpperTriangular96 (NTL::matrix< NTL::ZZ > &basis, NTL::matrix< NTL::ZZ > &basisDual, const NTL::ZZ &m, long dim) |
template<typename IntMat , typename Int > |
void | LatticeTester::mDualBasis (const IntMat &basis, IntMat &basisDual, const Int &m) |
| This function assumes that basis contains a basis of the primal lattice scaled by the factor m , not necessarily triangular, and it returns in basisDual the m-dual basis.
template<> |
void | LatticeTester::mDualBasis (const NTL::matrix< NTL::ZZ > &basis, NTL::matrix< NTL::ZZ > &basisDual, const NTL::ZZ &m) |
template<typename IntMat > |
void | LatticeTester::projectMatrix (const IntMat &in, IntMat &out, const Coordinates &proj, long r) |
| This function overwrites the first r rows of matrix 'out' by a matrix formed by the first r rows of the c columns of matrix in that are specified by proj , where ‘c = size(proj)’ is the cardinality of the projection proj .
template<typename IntMat , typename Int , typename RealVec > |
void | LatticeTester::projectionConstructionLLL (const IntMat &inBasis, IntMat &projBasis, const Coordinates &proj, const Int &m, const double delta, long r, RealVec *sqlen) |
| Constructs a basis for the projection proj of the lattice with basis inBasis , using LLLBasisConstruction , and returns it in projBasis .
template<typename IntMat , typename Int > |
void | LatticeTester::projectionConstructionUpperTri (const IntMat &inBasis, IntMat &projBasis, IntMat &genTemp, const Coordinates &proj, const Int &m, long r) |
| Same as projectionConstructionLLL , but the construction is made using upperTriangularBasis , so the returned basis is upper triangular.
template<typename IntMat , typename Int > |
void | LatticeTester::projectionConstructionUpperTri (const IntMat &inBasis, IntMat &projBasis, const Coordinates &proj, const Int &m, long r) |
template<typename IntMat , typename Int > |
void | LatticeTester::projectionConstruction (const IntMat &inBasis, IntMat &projBasis, const Coordinates &proj, const Int &m, const ProjConstructType projType, const double delta) |
| In this version, the construction method is passed as a parameter.