Lattice Tester Online Documentation 0.1.0-861
Software Package For Testing The Uniformity Of Integral Lattices In The Real Space
No Matches
EnumTypes.h File Reference
#include <string>
#include <array>


namespace  LatticeTester
 Lattice namespace.


enum  LatticeTester::NormType { LatticeTester::SUPNORM , LatticeTester::L1NORM , LatticeTester::L2NORM , LatticeTester::ZAREMBANORM }
 The available norm types to measure the length of vectors. More...
enum  LatticeTester::OutputType { LatticeTester::TERM , LatticeTester::RES , LatticeTester::TEX , LatticeTester::GEN }
 Different choices of output formats. More...
enum  LatticeTester::ProblemType {
  LatticeTester::BASIS , LatticeTester::DUAL , LatticeTester::REDUCTION , LatticeTester::SHORTEST ,
 Types of problems that LatticeTester can handle. More...
enum  LatticeTester::PrecisionType { LatticeTester::DOUBLE , LatticeTester::QUADRUPLE , LatticeTester::XDOUBLE , LatticeTester::RR }
 This can be supersed by the Real type. More...
enum  LatticeTester::PrimeType { LatticeTester::PRIME , LatticeTester::PROB_PRIME , LatticeTester::COMPOSITE , LatticeTester::UNKNOWN }
 Indicates whether an integer is prime, probably prime, composite or its status is unknown (or we do not care). More...
enum  LatticeTester::CriterionType {
  LatticeTester::LENGTH , LatticeTester::SPECTRAL , LatticeTester::BEYER , LatticeTester::PALPHA ,
 Merit criteria to measure the quality of generators or lattices. More...
enum  LatticeTester::NormaType {
  LatticeTester::BESTLAT , LatticeTester::BESTBOUND , LatticeTester::LAMINATED , LatticeTester::ROGERS ,
  LatticeTester::MINKL1 , LatticeTester::MINKL2 , LatticeTester::NONE
 Different types of normalizations that can be used for shortest-vector lengths. More...
enum  LatticeTester::CalcType { LatticeTester::PAL , LatticeTester::NORMPAL , LatticeTester::BAL , LatticeTester::SEEKPAL }
 Indicates which type of calculation is considered for the \(P_{\alpha}\) test. More...
enum  LatticeTester::ReductionType {
  LatticeTester::PAIR , LatticeTester::LLL , LatticeTester::BKZ , LatticeTester::BB ,
  LatticeTester::PAIRBB , LatticeTester::LLLBB , LatticeTester::BKZBB
 A list of all the possible lattice reductions implemented in LatticeTester. More...
enum  LatticeTester::DecompTypeBB { LatticeTester::CHOLESKY , LatticeTester::TRIANGULAR }
 Two possible ways of obtaining a triangular matrix to compute the bounds in the BB algorithm. More...
enum  LatticeTester::ProjConstructType { LatticeTester::LLLPROJ , LatticeTester::UPPERTRIPROJ }
 Two possible ways of computing the basis for a projection. More...
enum  LatticeTester::MeritType { LatticeTester::MERITM , LatticeTester::MERITQ }
 Two different types of figures of merit. More...


static std::string LatticeTester::toStringNorm (NormType norm)
 The following are functions for printing the enum constants in this module.
static std::string LatticeTester::toStringOutput (OutputType out)
static std::string LatticeTester::toStringProblem (ProblemType prob)
static std::string LatticeTester::toStringPrecision (PrecisionType precision)
static std::string LatticeTester::toStringPrime (PrimeType prim)
static std::string LatticeTester::toStringCriterion (CriterionType criter)
static std::string LatticeTester::toStringNorma (NormaType norma)
static std::string LatticeTester::toStringCalc (CalcType calc)
static std::string LatticeTester::toStringReduction (ReductionType reduct)
static std::string LatticeTester::toStringDecomp (DecompTypeBB decomp)
static std::string LatticeTester::toStringProjConstruct (ProjConstructType proj)
static std::string LatticeTester::toStringMeritType (MeritType merit)