Lattice Tester Online Documentation unknown
Software Package For Testing The Uniformity Of Integral Lattices In The Real Space
▼NLatticeTester | LatticeTester namespace |
▼NCoordinateSets | The classes FromRange , SubSets , and AddCoordinate are defined here |
▼CAddCoordinate | This template class wraps any implementation of a CoordinateSets and adds a specific coordinate to each coordinate sets |
▼Cconst_iterator | An iterator class used internally by the AddCoordinate class |
Cend_tag | |
▼CFromRanges | A CoordinateSets for coordinates within a given range |
▼Cconst_iterator | An iterator class used internaly by the FromRange class |
Cend_tag | |
▼CSubsets | This class implements a CoordinateSets object that will build all the subsets of a Coordinates object that are of a cardinality in a certain range |
▼Cconst_iterator | An iterator class used internally by the Subsets class |
Cend_tag | |
CChrono | This class provides Chrono objects that act as stopwatches that use the system clock to compute the CPU time used by parts of a program |
CCoordinates | An object type that contains a set of coordinate indices, used to specify a projection |
CFigureOfMeritDualM | This class offers tools to calculate the same figure of merit (FOM) as FigureOfMerit , but for the m-duals of the projections |
CFigureOfMeritM | This class provides tools to calculate the figure of merit (FOM) \( M_{t_1,\dots,t_d}\) for any given IntLatticeExt object |
CIntLattice | An IntLattice object is an integral lattice, with its basis or its m -dual basis, or both |
CIntLatticeExt | This abstract class extends IntLattice and is a skeleton for the specialized subclasses that define specific types of lattices |
CMRGLattice | This subclass of IntLatticeExt defines an MRG lattice |
CNormaBestLat | This Normalizer class implements approximate upper bounds on the length of the shortest nonzero vector in a lattice |
CNormaBestUpBound | In this normalizer, the Hermite constants \(\gamma_s\) are approximated using the best upper bounds that are available |
CNormaLaminated | This Normalizer class implements approximate upper bounds on the length of the shortest nonzero vector in a lattice |
CNormalizer | This is a base class for implementing normalization constants used in figures of merit, to normalize the length of the shortest nonzero vector in either the primal or dual lattice |
CNormaMinkHlaw | This class implements lower bounds on the Hermite constants based on the Minkowski-Hlawka theorem [mHLA43a] |
CNormaPalpha | This class implements theoretical bounds on the values of \(P_{\alpha}\) for a lattice (see class Palpha ) |
CNormaRogers | This class implements upper bounds on the length of the shortest nonzero vector in a lattice, in which the Hermite constants \(\gamma_s\) are approximated by their Rogers's bounds |
CRank1Lattice | This subclass of IntLatticeExt defines a general rank 1 lattice rule in \(t\) dimensions, whose points \(\mathbb{u}_i\) are defined by \( \mathbf{u}_i = (i \mathbf{a} \bmod m)/m \) where \(\mathbf{a} = (a_1,a_2,\dots,a_t) \in \mathbb{Z}_m^t\) is the generating vector; see Section 5.4 of the guide |
CReducerBB | This class provides functions to find a shortest nonzero vector in the lattice using a BB algorithm as in [4], and to compute a Minkowski basis reduction as in [1] |
CWeights | Abstract class that defines an interface to specify Weights given to projections in figures of merit |
CWeightsOrderDependent | Defines order-dependent weights, for which the weight of a projection depends only on its order (cardinality) |
CWeightsPOD | Defines product and order-dependent (POD) weights, for which the weight of a projection is the sum of a product weight and an order-dependent weight |
CWeightsProduct | Defines product weights, for which the weight of a projection is equal to the product of the weights of the individual coordinates |
CWeightsProjectionDependent | Defines projection-dependent weights, for which the weight for any given projection can be set individually by setWeight() |
CWeightsUniform | Specifies weights that are the same (usually 1) for all projections |